Toshiba TEC Unveils World’s First Hybrid MFP

MALAYSIA, Aug 3, 2017 – Toshiba TEC is proud to unveil the world’s first hybrid multi-function printers (MFP), which prints regular black prints as well as erasable blue prints in one single device. This unique and eco-conscious product will be available this August.
Driven by Toshiba TEC’s e-BRIDGE Next platform, this innovative series is equipped with state-of-art features for modern document workflows. Businesses often print for temporary needs such as emails, drafts, interim notices, meeting minutes, memos, logistics pick-list and test-print materials. In these instances, Toshiba Hybrid MFP provides users with the flexibility to select two types of toner in one device; the erasable blue toner and regular black toner. The blue toner can be erased within a single device, as well as using the optional paper erasing device; e-STUDIO RD301.
To simplify the usage, the product’s rule-based printing feature allows users to define multiple rules by automatically selecting the toner mode, either for temporary documents or permanent documents printing. The product’s e-BRIDGE Paper Reuse Report is also capable to generate a summary of paper reduction and average paper usage report to clearly convey the organization’s environmental contribution at a glance.
The Hybrid MFP series has fulfilled major environmental standards, such as EPEAT Gold rating, ENERGY STAR and Blue Angel. This series has also earned the “Excellent ECPs” designation, which is Toshiba’s internal certification awarded to products achieving the highest level of environmental performance in the industry.
BSI (British Standards Institution), which is a business standards company that helps organizations world-wide to achieve excellence, has also recognized Toshiba Hybrid MFP series as it fulfilled the stringent requirements of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) standards, ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. Toshiba TEC has taken major steps towards addressing the environmental aspects and potential impacts throughout a product’s life cycle – from initial raw material acquisition to final disposal.
Launching alongside with Toshiba Hybrid MFP series, the Toshiba Carbon Balance Program is an eco-project that shares the same aspiration with the government’s “e-waste management and control legislations”, which is expected to be introduced in 2018. Toshiba TEC Malaysia will be collaborating with Shan Poornam Metals Sdn Bhd, licensed by Department of Environment (DOE) Malaysia, as the official partner to provide solutions for e-waste management to the customers.
Toshiba Carbon Balance Program 2017 also provides customers with a systematic e-waste recycling management. For every unit of Hybrid MFP sold, Toshiba TEC Malaysia will contribute in funding a tree-planting project; “One Hybrid MFP, One Tree”. By participating in this program, customers can dispose e-waste in a systematic manner and making this as part of their CSR efforts to preserve the environment.
“Toshiba Hybrid MFPs is the ultimate machine, whereby you can print regular black prints as well as erasable blue prints, with the ability to recycle and re-use paper instantly, all in one device, with no additional cost from the monochrome MFP,” says Mr. Paul Ting, Director and Chief Executive Officer, Toshiba TEC Malaysia.
Toshiba TEC Malaysia would highly encourage all businesses to transform their business operation by using Toshiba Hybrid MFP instead of monochrome MFP. With the increase of environmental awareness, Toshiba TEC Malaysia believes that the product will contribute to customers’ businesses and also building a sustainable environment for the future generation.